March Madness - Race #3
(Greenville, IL) I-70 Quarter Midget Association continued their 2009 racing season with race #3 of their four race, March Madness race series. Sixty-eight cars from Illinois, Missouri and Indiana dared the questionable morning weather and made the trip to Greenville.
Larry W. Hamilton
Jr. Novice
1) Blake Haffer
2) David Koshinski
3) Cole Winkler
4) Colton Wallace
5) Ty Myers
6)Elizabeth Pohlmann
Jr Honda
1) Collin Miller
2)Ashton Thompson
3) Teddy Pohlmann
4) Gavin Graybeal
5) Bailey Goldesberry
6) Evan Shelton
7) Caleb Gonsalves
8) Trevor Landrum
9) Dylan Johnson
10) Wade Wenthe (First Jr Honda Race)
11) Kylee Myers
12) Justin Earley
13) Jaylynn Scott
14) Brad Knepper
15) Cole Tinsley
16) Haley Rogers
17) Marc Pflueger
18) Jordan Welch
Sr Honda
1) Jake Griffin
2) Gabe Verardi
3) Carlee Gress
4) Brandon Smith
5) Evan Turner
6) Bret Haffer
7) Tanner Reed
8) Kolby Vandenbergh
9) Gage Pohlmann
10) Kori Wenthe
11) Dylan Schierrer
12) Collin Olson
13) Collin White
14) Jarrett Earley
Heavy Honda
1) Garrett Johnston
2) Briannah Biegler
3) Logan West
4) Tyler Loughmiller
5) Andrew Stock
Jr Stock
1) Collin Miller
2) Jordan Welch
Lt 160
1) Bailey Wenthe
2) Kolby Vandenbergh
3) Gage Pohlmann
4) Carlee Gress
5) Evan Turner
6) Jordynn Scott
7) Mitchell Davis
8) Gabe Verardi
9) Ashton Thompson
10) Jake Griffin
11) Kylee Myers
12) Jacob Tipton
Heavy 160
1) Clayton Gonsalves
2) Luke Verardi
3) Tony Duran
4) Garrett Johnston
5) Brett Davis
6) Tyler Loughmiller
7) Logan West
World Formula
1) Jake Griffin
2) Brandon Smith
3) Billy Rogers