R10 Revives the CA500 Series Format

Back by popular demand! In 2009 R10 will adopt the the old CA500 format of two 30 lap heats and a 40 lap main for all competitive classes. With one stop at each of Region 10's four tracks, the series will be dubbed the "California 400 presented by Region 10" or "The CA400." The opening leg will be held at Baylands on May 23rd & 24th, so mark your calendars!  Check out the series flyer & series rules!

In addition to race day awards, we will again have a year end banquet to recognize all the kids who participate in at least 3 of the 4 legs. Everyone had a great time at RPM last year, so a similar venue may be chosen for 2009. Embroidered jackets will be awarded to all series champions as well as the Jr & Sr Rookies. 

Additionally, Loveless Motorsports & Entrust IT Solutions are combining to provide custom 30x20" Photoshopped posters for the champions and 8x10" photos for all series participants! Additional sponsors are being sought to provide prizes for race day raffles and the silent auction at the banquet.

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