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The meeting began at 10:15 am on October 13, 2009. Representation from local clubs as well other entites were present to discuss the Series success, new rule proposals, and plans for the future. All agreed that the USAC .25 Midget Series was a success. USAC Officials James Spink Director, Developmental Series said that the first year was both exciting and lots of fun for USAC. They were pleased with how far they had come.
He also reminded everyone that all the champions of the USAC .25 Midget Series "Battle at the Brickyard" would be recognized at the 2009 USAC National Banquet to be held on January 8, 2010.
Car count numbers were discussed noting that the largest car count of the series was at Toledo in June and both the Buckeye Club events which were dual events with other USAC (Midget and Ford Focus)
The Indianapolis Premier Event for 2010 will again be at Indianpolis Motor Speedway.
Each Club President reported on their club. They all agreed that the worlds economic situation had played a big part in their growth this year. They are all doing promotional 'text drives' to encourage new members. The Indy .25 Club has really had the most difficult time growing because they are starting a new club. They were pleased that USAC had held some 50/50 Raffles that benefited their club. Each of the clubs had seen an increase in membership.
Everyone was in agreement that the Hoosier Spec Tire was the reason that the Series is so successful. Hoosier has given USAC .25 Midget Racers great customer support including having factory representatives at the races. Racers are reporting new track records on Hoosiers and the season cost of tires for a family, has definately been decreased.
The Newton Park event (Hoosier's Newton Park in Lakeville, Ohio) was touted as the very best including the support of the entire town of Lakeville. Car counts weren't that big, but many that had missed the event, will surely not miss it in the future. Irish Saunders and Adam Batton were at the meeting and they both stated that there will be a event in Lakeville for 2010.
USAC was pleased with their National event "Battle at the Brickyard". Club Presidents want to encourage everyone to come out to race in 2010.
The Briggs and Stratton Animal Engine will now be legal in .25 Midget Racing. Weight for the Jr Animal Class will most likely be 250lb.
The engine will be the LO206
There will be NO weight changes for classes.
There was discussion regarding increasing the allowable width of 36" for chassis. That will be determined.
The NEW Honda 160 Engines that have now become available on the market, are being shipped from Thailand. Engines builders across the country have noted increased horse power. Legalizing these engines will make the current Honda 160 Engines obsolete. USAC wants to continue to make the sport affordable for families. These new Honda 160 Engines have a different serial number GCAFT 24........ These engines will NOT be legal for USAC .25 Midget Racing, nor will swapping parts with older version engines be tolerated.
There are some differences to look for:
*the spark plub gap is different
*Carburetor looks the same on the cap has a new part # 65Q
*Carburetor is smaller (previous go, no-go gauges will not fit)
*Coil has 3 lines that x across them
*Taking the engine apart - the mill marks are going the opposite way than before
Presidents suggested working with a Safety Company to allow more affordable head and neck restraints for .25 Midget Racers. These restraints are recommended but not mandatory. The Safety Seminar that USAC had hosted earlier in the year was a success.
USAC purchased the softwall system from Scribner Wall Systems.
Both Toledo and Buckeye went together to purchase their soft wall systems from Kiss.
Rookie information - status, moving up, and documentation was discussed and will be implemented so that all clubs know the status of these drivers.
Everyone agreed that the LIVE Streaming of events has been a success as well as having joint events with other USAC Series. USAC will continue to have these joint events including some more with Ford Focus and Jr Ford Focus events.
A Dirt Championship event was discussed.
The meeting was complete by 3:30 in the afternoon.