For Immediate Release

NC Chassis Co Announces the End of Gasoline Alley Nationals

The Nervo Family, today, announced the end of Gasoline Alley Nationals held each July at Indianapolis Motor Speedway.  "This event was never promoted for profit; first and foremost, our family hosted GAN based on our love of the sport and our motivation to grow Quarter Midget Racing", said John Nervo. 

The first GAN was held in 1999 as a cooperative effort between Bob Nervo and Indianapolis Motor Speedway.  The goal and intention was to host a National Race that was more time managed, enjoyable and affordable for Quarter Midget Families.   In later years, the event was held in memory of Bob Nervo.  
It is with heartfelt thanks that we would like to extend to anyone who ever attended Gasoline Alley Nationals.  We are developing a webpage to honor the many drivers, families, format, and the people that worked very hard for many years to create the memories of Gasoline Alley Nationals.  This page will be included on the NC Chassis website at   

The Nervo Family

November 17, 2008
Debi Supan

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