Friday - August 22, 2008
With the unfortunate passing of Mr. Bud Goddard QMPARTS.COM aka "GOIN RACIN"
is in the process of being transferred over to Mr. Danny Sartor. During this transfer period the PAYPAL system and the 800 number will temporarily be unavailable. Please do not use this option until the new account is activated. If you have purchased parts with this option in the past three (3) days, your transaction may not have processed. Please bear with us as we are trying to get everyting done as quickly as possible.

We look forward to giving you the same service and committment as did Bud Goddard and his family. We have heard nothing but great things about this family. We bought many items from Bud over the time we were Quarter Midget Racing. Bud was a wealth of information. We spent many hours talking about old times, the business and the sport of Quarter Midget Racing. Please feel free to call anytime.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact Danny or Debi at
425 West 5th Street
Pueblo, CO 81003

Thank You,
Danny and Debi Sartor

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All Rights Reserved, All content with exception of private works and corporate trademarked logos are property of Matt, A.J. and Stephenee Supan does not collect information about users.