December 23, 2008

It's been a busy day here at Over 392 Emails!!!!! And it is suppose to be the holidays! Who says everyone is out shopping?

Why is it........ that when REPORTS news, we get all kinds of nasty backlash from the QMA National folks. Our readers have been sending emails to us for 10 days now about this Tilt Port Mod issue! We have been investigating! We heard about it, while sitting in the Kansas City Airport, producing LIVE via Within 5 hours of us posting the blurp on our front page yesterday, we had over 40 e-mails! Obviously the Tilt Port Mod story is true based on the response that QMA's Tech Director gave today. Of course, we only got the message because one of our readers RE-TYPED it from the other website. We certainly didn't get the courtesy of an email from anyone from the QMA Board, much less the Tech Director, Dave Preston. In past years, and the QMA National Board and Technical people worked together to inform their members of any and all information. They made EVERY effort to get information to members. Now it doesn't seem so.

Instead, QMA Officials post "Other web sites have been posting erroneous information regarding tech. There is no such thing as a Slant Port Mod. Websters Dictionery lists the meaning of erroneous (adjective) as untrue; inaccurate; not correct; wrong; mistaken.

Read below the quote from the National Tech Director telling us he did in FACT know there were Tilt Port Mods at Vegas! So which is it???

Look what the QMA Technical Director wrote today...... "We had seen some of these engines in Las Vegas for the first time. QMA does not allow this and the engine builder will not build any more and also will conform to our regulations."

Remember back, it was that broke the story about the HOT STOCKER just a few months ago! just reports NEWS! News that anyone should be able to get.

Here is one of the more interesting emails we received today............... reads a bit contradictory.... but YOU make the call....
FYI... Mods with a spacer above the block that tilts the intake and carb have been around for many years.  There is no modification to the block.  QMA rules do not specify that the intake manifold is parallel with the head sealing surface.  Sounds like somebody is trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill.

Do you think the membership attending the event didn't see these engines???? Of course, they saw them. Those 4 racers that had those 4 engines wanted everyone to know they had something different, but only after they had run them. It seems that has to report the news for QMA to give the membership an explanation. The event at Primm, the Madera "Good Times" Club promoted Silver State WinterNationals event held every year, has been the place to bring "questionable" equipment and power. The last few years, the club has beared the cost of beefing up their Technical Staff just for those reasons. The event was 2 weeks ago and yet it took a posting on to get a response from QMA National in less than 24 hours.
We are please that our website works so well!

Most important.......... NOW what happens to those NOT LEGAL 4 engines that were run at Primm????? And can anyone explain WHY National Tech allowed these engines to be legal on December 7th but NOT LEGAL on December 23rd? Just a question that every QuarterMidget racer wants to know? Is the engine builder issuing a FULL refund for these engines? Did the Handler's who put these engines in their children's cars know that they may very well be NOT LEGAL????

Merry Christmas to all those that run legal, those that want legality to be at the forefront, and those that work so hard to make sure every child driver has the same chance to grab that checkered flag.

The next priority for a respectable organization might be to develop a class where the organization purchases all the Local Option Briggs Engines for a small price of $500+ dollars, a driver pulls a number and is issued the corresponding engine number for a race and we all sit back and let the real talent of the kids be proven on the track. Take the Engine Builders out of the picture completely. Hmmmm, could it ever happen in the world of Quarter Midget Racing?

Long live honesty and fairness in Quarter Midget Racing! May it be at the TOP of every Teams List!

Be sure to check every day for NEWS!!!!!!!!!

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