The 2011 Northeast Dirt Tour kicks off at a
“B”eautiful day for racing at Hagerstown QMRC!

Millstone N.J. …. The 2011 Northeast Dirt Tour for Quarter Midgets kicked off Saturday at Hagerstown QMRC with sunny skies and hot competition.  Not only was it a beautiful day but drivers with a B in their name dominated the competition.  Jesse James Bartleson captured both the Jr. Honda and Jr. Stock A-mains, Aaron Bollinger picked up the Sr. Honda and Lt. World Formula A-mains and Blaine Leydig came away with the Hvy. 160 and Hvy. World Formula A-main wins.  

Other notable performances were turned in by Ali Lewis Hvy. Honda A-main winner, Gary Bozowski Lt 160 A-main winner, Logan Jones Lt. Mod A-main winner and James Hess, Jr. Animal A-main winner.

The next event for these young road warriors comes up on May 14th at the Montgomery County Quarter Midget Racing Club located in Phoenixville P.A.  Any and all Quarter Midget racers are invited to compete with the touring series regulars as well as register to be a Dirt Tour member.  Information on the next event and the Dirt Tour can be found at

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