USAC Honda .25 Midget "Generation Next"
Round 1 - "Dirt Triple Crown"
Hosted by West End Club
Gilbert, PA
The USAC Honda .25 "Generation Next" Tour headed to Gilbert, PA for Round 1 of the "Dirt Triple Crown this last weekend, June 1 -2. It was the first visit for the Series. The official car count recorded was 135.
For 2013, the "Gen Next" Series has split their race events between Dirt and Pavement. The Dirt Tour continues to Doylestown, July 19 - 21, Hagerstown, MD, Aug 9 - 11 and finishes up at the USAC 4 Crown at Eldora, Sept 20 - 22, 2013.
"We would like to thank all the driver's who came to West End to race," said Ed Pensyl, whose Pensyl Enterprises sponsored the event. "All the members that pulled together to help were great. We would also like to thank USAC for coming to our track, making the event part of the Dirt Triple Crown and for all the professionalism shown by the USAC staff."

Front Row - Stephen Snyder, Jr, Andrew Layser, Joey Armentea, JJ Horstman, Jesse James Bartleson
Back Row - from left - Calvin Carroll, Brittany Erlsten, Ed Pensyl (presenting sponsor), Kenny Miller, Briggs Danner
Red Rookie - Feature #1
- Brooklyn Berger
- Jay Myers
- Tanner Van Dorin
- Ivan Carroll
- Danielle Uhlendorf (Dnf)
- Hunter Banonis (Dnf)
Blue Rookie - Feature #1
- Shelby Nick
- Katie Uhlendorf
Jr. Honda – A Main
- Steven Snyder, Jr.
- Joey Amantea
- Gavin Danner
- Christian Bruno
- Colby Stottlemeyer
- Adrianna Delliponti
- Bradan Andrecs
- Jake Garcia
- Elwood Carroll
- Dylan Kuronya
Jr. Honda – B Main
- Gavin Danner
- Colby Stottlemeyer
- Adrianna Dellliponti
- Bradan Andrecs
- Aleksander Andrecs
- Mark Evans
- Elijah Everett
- Riley Emig
Jake Carroll
Sr Honda - A Main
- Briggs Danner
- Kyle Craker
- Andrew Layser
- Jacob Balliet
- Jesse James Bartleson
- Kevin Holt, Jr.
- Ryan Krkoska
- Mackenzie Hixon
- Scott Lee
- Justin Adams (Dnf)
Sr Honda - B Main
- Jesse James Bartleson
- Ryan Krkoska
- Andrew Layser
- Mackenzie Hixon
- James Vanderyajt
- Tyler Lindsay
- Andrew Turpin
- James (Jj) Horstman (Dnf)
- Stephen Bailey (Dnf)
- Dane Juhlin (Dnf)
Sr Honda - C Main
- Jesse James Bartleson
- Andrew Layser
- Tyler Lindsay
- Andrew Turpin
- Dylan Norris
- Michael Thompson
- Zach Curtis
- Gracie Hixon
- Jeffrey Bosley
- Ty Kelly
Sr Honda - D Main
- Michael Thompson
- Zach Curtis
- Jeffrey Bosley
- Ty Kelly
- John Gilroy
- Rory Ann Evans
- Peter Tripodi (Dnf)
- Edward Numrich (Dnf)
Hvy. Honda - A Main
- Kenny Miller
- Brittany Erlsten
- Renay Stover
- Hanna Flood
- Rebeckah Haney
- Tyler Bowman
- Jo Joe Carroll
- Michael Toth
- Samantha Snyder
- Cody Motto (Dnf)
- Matthew Hopkins (Dnf)
- Heather Juhlin (Dq)
Lt. 160 – A Main
- Andrew Layser
- Briggs Danner
- Jesse James Bartleson
- Connor Gross
- Kyle Craker
- Brian Place
- Jocob Balliet
- Billy Koch
- Zach Curtis
- Kevin Holt, Jr. (Dnf)
Lt. 160 – B Main
- Brian Place
- Connor Gross
- Kevin Holt
- Zach Curtis
- Dylan Norris
- Tyler Bowman
- James (Jj) Horstman
- Travis Bailey
- Justin Adams
- Michael Thompson (Dq)
Lt. 160 – C Main
- Kevin Holt
- James (Jj) Horstman
- Tyler Bowman
- Justin Adams
- Adrianna Delliponti
- Gracie Hixon
- Scott Lee
Hvy. 160 – A Main
- Brittany Erlsten
- Austin Bellmare
- Angel Delancy
- Hanna Flood
- Matthew Hopkins
- Brian Zyck
- Kenny Miller
- Cayton Hornberger
- Hunter Demeglio
- Cody Motto (Dnf)
- Renay Stover (Dnf)
Hvy. 160 – B Main
- Renay Stover
- Hanna Flood
- Matthew Hopkins
- Cayton Hornberger
- Cody Motto
- Rebeckah Haney
- Blake Hindle
Jr. Animal - A Main
- Joey Amantea
- Gavin Danner
- Adrianna Delliponti
- Steven Snyder, Jr.
- Aleksander Andrecs
- Colby Stottlemyer
- Braden Andrecs
- Jake Garcia
- Dylan Kuronya (Dnf)
- Damion Dusheck (Dq)
Sr. Animal - A Main
- James (Jj) Horstman
- Mason Magee
- Jacob Balliet
- Levi Crowl
- Bryan Place
- Justin Adams (Dnf)
- Kenny Miller (Dnf)
- Michael Thompson (Dnf)
- Jake Frye (Dnf)
- Logan James (Dnf)
Sr. Animal - B Main
- Kenny Miller
- Jacob Balliet
- Levi Crowl
- Michael Thompson
- Tyler Lindsay
- Gracie Hixon
- Jeffrey (Andy ) Bosley
- Connor Gross (Dnf)
- Kyle Craker (Dnf)
- Michael (Joe) Toth (Dnf)
Lt. World Formula - A Main
- Jesse James Bartleson
- Jake Frye
- Andrew Layser
- Briggs Danner
- Calvin Carroll
- Connor Gross
- Logan Jones
- Kyle Craker
- Jacob Balliet
- Billy Koch (Dnf)
- Hanna Flood (Dnf)
- Mason Magee (Dnf)
Hvy. World Formula - A Main
- Brittany Erlsten
- Brian Zyck
- Levi Crowl
- Hunter Demeglio
- Dale Edwards
- Austin Bellemare
- Blake Hindle
- Billy Lasko
- David Crossman (Dnf)
- Jarrett Gerber (Dna)
Lt. Mod - A Main
- Calvin Carroll
- Dalton Andrews
- Nikki Carroll